At the fourth DEKRA Future Congress of Commercial Vehicles 2022 this year on the 2nd and 3rd June everything will revolve around “future-proof transportation”. The event will focus on the three criteria of the transport of the future: safety, efficiency and sustainability. RMS MOOVE Managing Director Jörg Reithmeier represented us on site to inform people about our system for the emission-free future of city logistics.

Already on the first day of the event, on Thursday afternoon, our personal highlight of this year’s DEKRA Future Congress Commercial Vehicles took place: Jörg Reithmeier’s presentation on our system as part of the session on “Last Mile: Best Practice and Alternative Concepts”. In the presentation, he not only explained our mission and vision to the expert audience, but also told them how the idea for RMS MOOVE actually came about. “Cities need a master plan, you have to discuss urban logistics on a higher level. We can’t just talk, we have to do,” summarised our RMS MOOVE CEO.

It was also about what RMS MOOVE does differently from alternative providers. Of course, our innovative components were in the foreground, but the advantages of the systematic restructuring of the entire system were also presented in the lecture. “In order to not only contain emissions, but to prevent them from in the first place, you need more than isolated solutions. With RMS MOOVE, we are going further: from warehouse to end customer, we are reinventing delivery over the last mile,” reported Jörg Reithmeier. “Our solution is sustainable, but also efficient, scalable and economical. In this way, we reconcile the requirements of municipalities and cities, consumers and CEP service providers and, practically as a side effect, make the daily work of delivery staff easier.”

RMS MOOVE was amongst good company in the line-up. In the course of the session, the advantages and disadvantages of micro-hubs were discussed, Dachser presented its “emission-free delivery” project, and Güttler Logistik reported on the “City Saddle”. In addition, Ilona Jüngst, editor at trans aktuell, aptly summed up the main problem of city logistics: “People want packages, but not the cars that bring them.” Our answer: fewer combustion cars, more cargo bikes.

"Gesamtprozess statt Insellösung: Jörg Reithmeier beim DEKRA Zukunftskongress Nutzfahrzeuge 2022